The Japanese Journal of Limnology
Vol. 59, No. 2 (June 1998)
ITAKURA, Yasumasa and Shuichi ENDOH : Estimationof Water Surface Temperature by Infrared Remote Sensing at Shiozu
Bay inLake Biwa (p.115)
KIKUCHI, Eisuke : Life History and DispersalPattern of the Polychaete Worm Neanthes japonica
(IZUKA) in the NanakitaRiver Estuary, Miyagi Prefecture (p.125)
YOH, Muneoki, Makoto TAKEUCHI and Hideshige TODA : Simultaneous Measurement of N2. 02. Ar, C02, CH4, H2 and CO inAqueous
and Gaseous Samples : a Detection of N2/Ar Shifts in Environments (p.147)
UEDA, Shinji, Hitoshi KAWABATA, Hidenao HASEGAWA,NaoyukiI SAKURAI and Kunio
KONDO : Horizontal Distribution Profilesof 238U, 137Cs and Stable Elemens in the
Bottom Sediments of the BrackishLake Obuchi in Aomori Prefecture (in Japanese) (p.159)
HAYASHI, Yoshio : Identification of Three Cheumatopsyche Species (Insecta : Trichoptera)
in Japan by Enzyme Polymorphism (in Japanese) (p.175)
AOYAGI, Ikuo, Masako TETSUKA, Kazuo NAKAMURA : Morphology of Early Instar Larvae and Life History of Ephoron eophilum
(Ephemeroptera : Polymitarcyidae) (in Japanese) (p.185)
WATANABE, Naoshi C., Koukichi HATTA, Kazuo HISAEDA, Kazuaki HOSHI and Shin-ichi
ISHIIWATA : Seasonal and Diurnal Timingof Emergence of Ephoron shigae (Ephemeroptera
: Polymitarcyidae) from FourJapanese Rivers (p.199)
NOZAKI, Kentaro, Hiromune MITSUHASHI and Akihiro TUJI : Preliminary Report on Diel Changes in Dissolved Oxygen Concentrationin
Filamentous Green Algal Mats in Littoral Zone of Lake Biwa (in Japanese) (p.207)
Historical Memories of The Japanese Societyof Limnology (9) (p.217)
Historical Memories of The Japanese Societyof Limnology (10) (p.223)
Proceeding of the Society
Vol. 59, No. 3 (September 1998)
MURAKAMI, Tetuo, Nobuo KURODA and Toyoho TANAKA : Effects of a Rivermouth Barrage on Planktonic Algal Development in the
LowerNagara River, Central Japan (p.251)
HINO, Shuji, Hidetoshi MIKAMI, Jiro ARISUE, YasushiISHIKAWA, Kazushi IMADA,
Ryohei YASUTOMI, Yoji KAWAMURA, and Keishi TAKANO : Limnological Characteristics and Vertical Distribution of Phytoplanktonin
Oligotrophic Lake Akan-Panke (p.263)
MOSCHINI-CARLOS, Viviane, Marcelo Luiz Martins POMPEO and Raoul HENRY :
Temporal Variation in C, N and P of the Periphytonon the Tropical Aquatic
Macrophyte Echinochloa polystachya (H.B.K.) HITCH.in Jurumirim Reservoir
(Sa~o Paulo, Brazil) (p.281)
KISHIMOTO, Naoyuki, Yosuke OHNISHI, Masaki OHNlSHIand Isao SOMIYA : Effects of Water Temperature and Light Intensity onGrowth Rate and Death
Rate of Freshwater Dinofiagellate Peridinium bipes (in Japanese) (p.295)
OHTSUKA, Taisuke : Variations in Diatom Community Structure among Habitats within a Morphological
Unit in a River (in Japanese) (p.311)
NOZAKI, Kentaro, Akihiro TUJI, Yukihiro KOHMATSU,Toshiyuki ISHIKAWA and
Toshiya YAMAMOTO : Seasonal Succession of a PlanktonicAlgal Community and its Characteristics
in a Small Pond of Naka-ikemi Marsh,Tsuruga, Fukui, Japan (in Japanese) (p.329)
Limnological Record
HIRABAYASIII, Kimio and Norihiko YOSHIDA : Changein Fish Species and its Artificial Impact on Lake Kawaguchi (in Japanese) (p.341)
Historical Memories of The Japanese Societyof Limnology (11) (p. 353)
Proceeding of the Soeiety
Vol. 59, No. 4(December 1998)
KAWAI. Koichiro, Eiso INOUE and Hiromichi IMABAYASHI : Seven New Species of The Genus Polypedi!um (Diptera : Chironomidae)from
Japan (p.367)
NOZAKI, Takao and Tomiko ITO : Immature Stagesof Lenarchus fuscostramineus SCHMID (Trichoptera, Limnephilidae) (p.383)
GOTO, Naoshige, Osamu MITAMURA, Hisayoshi TERAI and Noriko ISHIDA : Physicochemical Features and Primary Productionof Microphytobenthos and
Phytoplankton at Wakaura Tidal Flat in Japan (p.391)
YAMADA, Yoshihiro, Takaaki UEDA, Tadatoshi KOITABASHI and Eitaro WADA :
Horizontal and Vertical Isotopic Model of Lake BiwaEcosystem (p.409)
FURUYA, Yaeko : Downstream Distribution and Annual Changes in Densities of Net-Spinning
Trichoptera (Hydropsychidaeand Stenopsychidae) in the Yoshino River, Shikoku,
Japan, with Special Reference to the Colonization of Macrostemum radiatum
MCLACHLAN (Trichoptera: Hydropsycheidae) (in Japanese) (p.429)
NKAZATO, Ryoji, Kimio HIRABAYASHI and Tokio OKITNO : Abundance and Seasonal Trend of Dominant Chironomid Adults and HorizontalDistribution
of Larvae in Eutrophic I_ake Suwa, Japan (p.443)
JUN, Sang-Ho and Jeong Ok BAE : Distributionof Dissolved Copper Species in Nakdong River Water (in Japanese) (p.457)
Proceeding of the Society
Vol. 60, No. 1(March 1999)
LEGENDRE. Louis : Environmental Fate of BiogenicCarbon in Lakes (p.1)
ROBARTS, Richard D., Michael T. ARTS, Marlene S. EVANS and Marley J. WAISER
: The Coupling of Bacterial and PhytoplanktonProduction in Redberry Lake,
Saskatchewan - an Oligotrophic, Prairie, SalineLake with High DOC Concentration (p.11)
VINCENT. Warwick F. and Julian J. DODSON : The St. Lawrence River, Canada-USA : the Need for an Ecosystem-Level Understandingof
Large Rivers (p.29)
UEDA, Shingo and Norio OGURA : Mass Balanceand Nitrogen Isotopic Determination of Sources for N20 in a
Eutrophic River (p.51)
FUJITA, Yuko and Hiroyuki NAKAHARA : Seasonal Variations of Algal Communities in the Paddy Water and Air-dried
Paddy Soil (in Japanese) (p.67)
FUJITA. Yuko and Hiroyuki NAKAHARA : Effectsof Cultivation Conditions on Algal Communities in Paddy Soils (in Japanese) (p.77)
MATSUYAMA, Michiro and Sang-Wook MOON : DissolvedH2S around Chromatium sp. Blooming in Lake Kaiike Protects against
FeedingPressure by a Hypotrich Ciliate (p.87)
Reports of the Symposia at the 63rd Conferenceof the Japanese Society of
Proceedings of the Society